Tech-Wise Family

techwise website (1920 x 1080 px) (755 x 502 px)

You're invited to join other families to see tech in a new way and discuss how it affects our most formative environments: our homes, churches and workplaces. Participate in engaging and rich conversations on Andy Crouch's book, The Tech-Wise Family as well as engage with the author's video presentation.

The course content will...

  • Identify core practices essential to intentionally using technology
  • Create concrete commitments to not just limit technology but also to reintroduce tools and instruments in our lives
  • Help your family to flourish in this digital age

The tech-wise life is not (just) about limits—it’s about flourishing, what we all really want. It’s not about kids. It’s also not about screens. It’s about devices and the way they have replaced tools in our lives and, equally importantly, in our imagination of how life should be.

In this course, we will watch a short video where author, Andy Crouch, teaches how we can rediscover what’s most important in our homes, churches, schools and workplaces. We will explore how the tech issue goes beyond just “screen time limits for kids”. We will wonder together, "If you could change one thing about your relationships with those who are in your household or who are closest to you, what would you change?" as well as uncover the habits you'd like to add to your life to help you grow personally and in your relationships with others.

Register today to attend the 6 week course which starts on Thursday, February 13 @7:15 - 8:30 pm. Please note that there will be no class on Thursday, March 13 due to March Break.