May 28, 2023

Lord’s Prayer “Praying With Jesus”

Passage: Mark 10: 46-52

This Sunday we continue to explore the Lord’s Prayer, examining the petition
“forgive us our sins as we forgive others.” We are glad to welcome former
ClearView Lead Pastor Rev. Geoff Vandermolen to preach this Sunday. Pastor
Geoff will encourage us to consider being in Jesus presence with all our faults, sins
and blessedness and hearing Him ask: What do you want me to do for you?
There are millions of answers to the question - and this Sunday we will wrestle
with our answer. What is the thing we need/ want most for Jesus in our lives right
now? Is it forgiveness? healing? hope? health? restored marriages? When we
strip away all that we carry around with us, and find ourselves present with Jesus,
attentive to him - how will we respond?

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