1. Visit
Come join us on a Sunday where you can participate in the rhythms of worship (mixed in with lots of kids and families!). We sing songs ancient and new, listen to a message on a bible passage, receive communion once a month, and spend time together over coffee and conversation after the service. Click HERE for answers to some frequently asked questions.
2. Sign up for the E-News and our next Meet and Greet
Sign up for the weekly email which keeps you in the loop. And then come to the next available Meet and Greet to meet others and hear more about ClearView Church from staff. Sign up for E-News HERE and register for next Meet'n Greet HERE.
3. Join a Life Group
We believe that followers of Jesus flourish in faith when they belong, are known and grow in small groups of trust and care. In Life Groups you join 8 - 12 others around a table or in a living room to read and reflect on scripture, pray together and encourage each other in faith and life. Click HERE to register for a Life Group.
4. Rest
Newcomers at ClearView are invited to enter a 6-month season of Sabbath rest, where you practice being God's beloved child. During this time, your only 'responsibility' is to ask questions, experience worship, and begin knowing others and being known.
5. Adopt ClearView Life Practices
We encourage you to begin to incorporate into your daily and weekly rhythm the five core faith practices at ClearView that help us live out the way of Jesus. Read the ClearView Way of Life.
6. Join a team to serve
After resting for 6 months, we invite you to join a ministry team that suits your gifts, personality and desires. Discern which of the teams best suits you for this next season, and join us in being the hands, feet, and face of Jesus to each other and to our neighbours. Click HERE to view ClearView's ministries.
7. Join the church
If you have been baptized and participated in another church, we invite you to become a member at ClearView Church. We regularly hold a New Members Orientation class that explores ClearView’s ministry, our faith convictions and what it means to be a member. Click HERE to register for our next New Members Orientation.
8. Be baptized or make a profession of faith
If you’ve never been baptized or made a profession of faith, we invite you to take the step being baptized or, if baptized as an child, confirming your faith by making a profession of faith. Baptism is the ancient rite of passage into restored communion with God in heaven and your local church family on earth while profession of faith/confirmation is the acceptance of God’s baptismal promises to you. Email the church office at mail@clearviewchurch.com to discuss next steps.