We have the privilege as God’s dearly beloved children to come before him in prayer and ask for everything we need. This Sunday as we continue our series on the…
This Sunday at ClearView: If there ever was a passage from the Bible that our culture would say “preach it Jesus!” it’s his words in Matthew 7:1-6. Whenever one person…
This Sunday at ClearView: we are so glad to welcome Ryan and Jack Nirula who will preach together this Sunday. Ryan is the Director of Clarington CRC Youth and Rehoboth…
This Sunday at ClearView: it’s a special Sunday at ClearView as we mark important milestones in the lives of children and youth at ClearView. Pastor Phil will continue exploring the…
This Sunday at ClearView: in Matthew. 6:19-24, Jesus reveals a truth about each of us - we are treasuring beings. And at the centre of everyone of our lives there…
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