Reflecting God's heart.


Generosity is beautiful because it reflects God’s own heart. As a community following Jesus, we give knowing that with God, there is never a disadvantage to being generous.

With our secure and confidential giving options, you can support ClearView ministries ClearView ministries (budget), debt reduction, the weekly designated cause, or other causes determined by our deacons.


Ways to Give


Option 1.

Give Online

Online donations can be made using a credit or debit card using the button below.

Image of cell phone showing Church Center app logo

Option 2.

Church Center App

The Church Center App is available for download on your smart phone. Set-up will be required the first time you give.

Google Play Button Apple App Store Button


Option 3.


Make an e-transfer direct from your bank account to   Funds are automatically deposited into the church bank account.  No need to set up a security question.

Be sure to designate your giving on the memo line as being for either ClearView Ministries (the same as operating budget), weekly designated cause, or both (in that case, indicate how much of your donation goes to each).


Option 4.

Using Offering Envelopes - for Cash or Cheques

If your preference is to give regularly using offering envelopes, and you would like a set of numbered envelopes rather than using pew envelopes, contact the church office 905-829-2242, or email .

  • Your "number" identifies you so you won't need to put your personal information on a pew envelope all the time for receipting purposes.
  • Like pew envelopes, the numbered envelopes are not dated and can be used anytime.
  • All offering envelopes can be dropped in the offering baskets in the foyer after the Sunday service, mailed to the church, or dropped off at the office.
  • Please designate on the envelope how you would like your giving directed.

Option 6.

Giving through PAR

PAR stands for pre-authorized remittance.

Every month (on the 20th), a fixed amount can be debited from your bank account to the church bank account (there is no charge to you or the church to give through PAR).

  • Download and print: PAR Authorization Form. Completed forms can be scanned and emailed to
  • OR simply contact Peter at and we can arrange signup via email or telephone
  • If you are already registered for PAR and would like to make a change to your current monthly giving, please contact Peter at