Jesus reveals to his disciples a strong warning against hypocrisy which is like yeast. It affects your entire life even though it seems small and insignificant. Jesus also reveals the…
Our “Apocalypse Now” sermon this week is based on 2 Timothy 1:6-12. Can you see the apocalypse in this passage? Here is a hint: the message will focus on how…

The End

August 9, 2020
There is a lot of speculation about the end times, especially during times of global crisis or significant cultural change. The ancient church speculated about the end during times of…
Psalm 19 tells us that both the creation and the Word reveal God. The message by Pastor Erick will explore how Apocalypse is the basic building block of life as…
God reveals to King Nebuchadnezzar that the kingdom of Babylon, among other human kingdoms, is more fragile than he thought. God also reveals that he is establishing a different kind…
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