The Christian life is centered on cultivating our relationship with Jesus. He describes eternal life as an ongoing journey of knowing Him deeply. By developing and maintaining healthy spiritual habits,…
We'll explore the initial portion of the Sermon on the Mount, focusing on the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5:1-5. Here, Jesus delves into the core of Christian Life, the transformative…
The Psalms are a gift for discipleship in that they name honest emotions before God. This Sunday we will be looking at Psalm 51. Carrying emotional burdens are a hindrance…
This Sunday we will be wrapping up our Just Hospitality theme with a sermon/story about biblical hospitality: From Strangers to Disciples We will explore the well known story of the…
What is our call and responsibility as Ambassadors of Reconciliation? When faced with so many injustices what should we do? What are God's instructions to us? This week Marco will…