Predictions and Promise

February 7, 2021
Predictions about the future come in a variety of forms including the weather, finances, and health. But, can we really predict the future? What does it look like for Christ…
God made peace by reconciling all things through Jesus's sacrificial work on the cross and Paul is inviting us to set our hearts on that peace. We need to let…
When society fractures, we look for unity. When uniformity gets enforced, we want to voice our differences. The study of world religions has fluctuated along these lines.
A scientist, teacher and researcher by vocation, and a follower of Jesus in all spheres of life positions Dr. Brouwer exceptionally well to help us more deeply understand the global…
It is important to have a biblical foundation for how we approach racial reconciliation. Without it, we can easily fall into various extreme approaches that may not be helpful in…
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